Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quran and Science (part one)

In the Qoran, the Muslim book
1400 years ago
Interesting scientific facts said
These points are also proof of the Quran is not distorted
And that
It is from God

Of course

The Muslims  known God  with Other features
of Christians

Muslims say Allah Have Unlimiteds
 Allah is n dimension

Some attribute the Muslims give it to God : 

  • Cleared of all wrong
  • Preventing bad things
  • The issuing of any package
  • Viewed things openly and secretly
  • Each listener secret
  • God is capable of everything will
  • All one needs is God all things at all times
  • Loving servants

Watch this clip
In this clip you can see
  Quran and Shia Imam refers to the concept of time

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