Sunday, December 20, 2015

Iran's relations with South Africa

Perhaps when you see
Iran without obtaining specific benefits
And even with the cost for the country, including sanctions and military threats
In some countries like Iraq - Syria - Lebanon - Palestine - Yemen - Bosnia - ...
it helps
Say that these countries are Muslim and Iran is Muslim too
So to help these countries
Iran after the revolution in the year
The two countries broke off their relationship
1. Israel
2. South Africa
Israel's cause
Cruelty to the Palestinian
South Africa cause
Cruelty to blacks
South Africa is not a Muslim, but Iran had relations with her until the victory of Nelson Mandela
This is solid evidence of the Islamic Republic of Iran's justice
Not race and religion

It features a well-Muslims (justice) as Hussein
Grandson of the Prophet Muhammad

That in 1400 years ago with 72 followers  30000 enemy who thought like
Were isis
Fought and died
But not confirmed to be bad government
Government like isis

I have repeatedly said,
Not  Muslim

Sunday, July 26, 2015

History of Iran (part1)

Perhaps you think
Iran, like some Middle Eastern countries After the Sykes-Picot Agreement
But this is not true
Sykes-Picot Agreement Country Ottoman Empire after the First World War Decomposed
(the Ottoman country's western neighbor Iran)
 Iran has 5,000 years of history
This Video
All history of Iran shows in five minutes

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quran and Science (part one)

In the Qoran, the Muslim book
1400 years ago
Interesting scientific facts said
These points are also proof of the Quran is not distorted
And that
It is from God

Of course

The Muslims  known God  with Other features
of Christians

Muslims say Allah Have Unlimiteds
 Allah is n dimension

Some attribute the Muslims give it to God : 

  • Cleared of all wrong
  • Preventing bad things
  • The issuing of any package
  • Viewed things openly and secretly
  • Each listener secret
  • God is capable of everything will
  • All one needs is God all things at all times
  • Loving servants

Watch this clip
In this clip you can see
  Quran and Shia Imam refers to the concept of time

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Atomic bomb unallowed

What countries have negotiated with Iran on nuclear energy

One-time no mistake
None of those countries have nuclear bomb   :)

They work for a world without nuclear weapons
No matter their finding bomb

Just like someone who tells us that smoking is bad
You must not smoke
If you buy smoke
I forced you to take smoke

But he had two box of smoke in His pocket

Nuclear bomb is bad
For all Bad
Nobody Must not
Have a nuclear bomb

Iranians are Shiites


Imam Ali (pbuh) the first Shiite leader said,
Anyone who kills an innocent is like killing all of humanity


they do not want a nuclear bomb, because the use of these weapons is not guilty of innocent isolated

Monday, July 13, 2015

Is Iran a threat to the West ?

Is Iran a threat to the West ?
Thus we hear of Fox News Senior Reporter
And we want To know regard him about the religion of Islam

Of course
He is a littel mistake
He divided the Islamic world into two parts (Shia - Sunni)
In the Muslim world Tuesday sections (Shia - Sunni - Wahhabi)
He said Sunni wherever they were intended Wahhabi
Hamas is Sunni
  Not Wahhabi
Al - Bkvhram - bin Laden -Alshbab -Alnsrh Dash(isis)
All are Wahhabis
Wahhabis their say
We're Sunni
  But Shia and Sunni Muslims do not say you

Saudi Arabia's Wahhabis Center

I have repeatedly said,
Dash and Wahhabism are not Muslims

starving African and agriculture

Red soil
And green grass
Indicate the land is suitable for agriculture

Perhaps you have seen the images of starving African
But probably do not ask why they are hungry
and do not agricultural in fertile land

Really why?
Because :

They are at war
With who?
So why did not already own war? And farmed
Some countries did not invite them to fight together
What good is it for
These are some countries ?
The countries of these people take diamonds and other precious things
And to give them weapons
 to both sides
To fight together and continue to buy weapons
And Farmer
In the war
Farming will not
And after the war
Farming can not
Because the the war affected him

Qods Day

Yesterday in Iran
In my small town
Qods Day was
Day in support of Palestinians

In these protests
The presence of a group of people of any age
They speak a word
Down with the oppressor
In these protests are also expressed their opinion on the negotiations with America

They said we are not afraid of sanctions
We're Shia
  Hussein is our leader
That even when the water on him and 72 of his companions boycotted by 30,000 soldiers
He did not give up resistance
It was the last martyr

They said, according to Imam Ali the first Shiite leader who said,
Anyone who kills an innocent is like killing all of humanity
We do not want a nuclear bomb, because the use of these weapons is not guilty of innocent isolated

Means written
Do not threaten us with sanctions we are son of Ramadan

(Ramadan is the month in which Muslims between sunrise and sunset refuse to eat anything)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

why iranian burn obelisk ?

Iranians in Global Day Palestine burn Obelisk
Obelisk as a symbol of human evil
Executioners to overlook human rights
And the killing of defenseless Palestinian people are busy

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Advertising on Islam

I have said several times in this blog that Dash|(isis) and Wahhabi are not Muslims

They are killing Muslims in the name of Islam

And now I do not know why some News
By showing terrorism Dash(isis)

They damaged the image of Islam

Some people do not want some people do not understand  some things truth

It was very strange  Dash (isis) already fought with Muslims

Intense propaganda against Islam

Dash(isis) is not from Islam
Dash(isis) from is Terrorism

"Every Zionist's media try to don't let people find out the truth"

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Khorasani Group

Some people say The Dash(isis) is Group Khorasani Because there is a black flag

But this is not just a black flag

If these 80,000 are groups Khorasani

  Who are these people 20,000,000 Black flags have

In fact
On the fortieth day of the martyrdom of Hussein in the 40,000,000 people just were Hussein's burial place

While the number of this group of people is 140,000,000
This group name is Shia

Group Khorasani is group that help Jesus Christ is not against him
It is believed Mslmlnan

I say again
  Dash (isis) is not Muslim

People who like others dislike Shia

Islam has two main sects
Shia and Sunni

Shiites At the time of Ottoman
Were in Iran. And fighting with Ottoman
(((And one of the reasons that stopped the Ottoman advance into Europe was always this war)))

They for showing  their love to Imam Hussain
(800 years ago with 72 members of his Shia martyr was by 30,000 enemy)
do A symbolic conduct 
they hit their head with Their swords as hitting the slow
Has shown that they are ready for war

This is symbolic among the Shia continued and in the day of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein This conduct

In the last few years this practice has been banned in Shia

But some extremists still doing it
Reason of the ban this world bad impression of the Shiite

Picture doing this work will be shown you

(Of course, they are extremists)

Some people see These photos and say
Oh, how much the Shiite wild

hat stated because of their ignorance about reason for doing this work
(This action unlike his photographs don't have pain)

Again I repeat This action has been banned in Shia
And all these people are extremists

And a number of anti-Shia
By doing this, it is even more terrible
Shiite figures have to ruin

The same guy (Dash (isis)) and father (Saudi Arabia)

The same guy (Dash (Asis)) and father (Saudi Arabia)

The neck in Saudi Arabia

Beheading in Dash(isis)

Dash(isis) and Wahhabism 
Not from Islam

Dash(isis) and Wahhabis are terrorists

Octopus named Saudi Arabia

Infanticide Saudi Arabia in Yemen

And the silence of those who claim human rights
even Some country don't silent
and helping Saudi Arabia

What happened for countries Claim human rights


What happened for countries Claim human rights

1.In this country even once the elections are not held

2.In the country
  Women are not allowed to sit behind the car off
Let alone drive

3.In the country's political opposition is are repressed hard
Like Mr nemer

4.Production and support of terrorists Dash (isis)

5.Don't talk About Military ambitions

6.King is entirely yours
And the people, even the thing you do not have a parliament,
And the smallest role in choosing their destiny Country

7.Human Rights Watch is 15 years in prison of Saudi Arabia

8.The attack on Bahrain

9.The attack on Yemen

10.Unlike other methods of execution such as hanging or firing squad in other countries
In this country neck of the beat
You can see the video on YouTube

And many other things  I will take to Blog in the future

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Christ (PBUH) And Muslims

It might be strange for you
If you know that Muslims, like Christians and Jews are waiting for Christ (PBUH)
And for the emergence of Christ (PBUH) work

I repeat again
Dash(isis) is not Muslim